Conservation Action Tracker

BGCI’s Conservation Action Tracker provides information on conservation actions for tree species. The tracker form allows practitioners to provide information for species that they are working on, or species that they know are under conservation action. The Conservation Action Tracker aims to facilitate connections between organisations working on threatened trees within the same genera, and threatened trees within the same country, as well as identify gaps in tree species conservation, i.e. which threatened tree species are not currently under active conservation and should be priorities for conservation.

If you would like to submit information for more than one species in a single Conservation Action Tracker form then please contact

1. Contact Information


2. Basic Information

If species is not in this list please choose 'Not applicable' and add your species name in the box below.
Please provide a summary of conservation action that is taking place for this species.
For example, summarize the main activities, duration of the project, etc.

3. Accurate Baseline

Accurate baseline information in place for this species.(Required)
Has sufficient work been carried out globally to be confident that the information you have on population, threats and conservation status is comprehensive or sufficient enough to enable the identification of appropriate recovery actions for the target species across its entire distribution range?
Please provide a short explanation on how was the accurate baseline information obtained.
For example, the species has a recent Red List Assessment, the species has been the subject of a conservation genetics study, survey work confirmed the distribution of this species and the associated threats, etc.

4. Partners

If yours is the only organisation working on this species please add N/A.
Please select the type of partner(s).
Select all that apply.
Is there a local partner engaged in the conservation of this species?(Required)
Local partner refers to an organisation in the country of the species' native range.

5. Species Recovery/ Action Plan

Is there a species recovery/ action plan in place for this species?(Required)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 1 GB.

    6. Ex situ Information and Propagation Protocol

    Living collections of wild origin.(Required)
    Is at least part of the established living collection of this species known to be of wild origin?
    Seed collections of wild origin.(Required)
    Is at least part of the seed collection of this species known to be of wild origin?
    Other type of ex situ collections.(Required)
    Is this species conserved in ex situ (excluding living and seed collections) and is the material known to be of wild origin?
    For example, pollen, vegetative propagules, tissue or cell cultures.
    Representative ex situ collection of this species.(Required)
    If there is an ex situ (seed, living and/ or other) collection, has sufficient work been carried out to be confident that they are representative of the wild population of the species across its entire distribution range?
    This can be based on genetic or geographic representativeness.
    Please justify why the ex situ collection is or is not representative of the wild population of the species.
    For example, all populations were surveyed, genetic studies, geographic analysis, etc.
    Is this species an exceptional species?
    Species are considered to be exceptional when: 1) seeds are unavailable for storage, 2) recalcitrant seeds (intolerant to the drying process), 3) intermediate seeds (short-lived seeds or sensitive to storage in a conventional freezer), or 4) seeds with complex dormancies that hinder post-storage germination.
    Propagation protocol.(Required)
    Is there a propagation protocol in place for this species?
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 1 GB.

      7. In situ Information

      Active in situ protection and/or management.(Required)
      Is this species specifically managed, monitored and/or actively protected in the wild?
      In situ planting(Required)
      Is there planting of this species in situ?

      8. Policy

      Policy and legislation.(Required)
      Is there policy and/or legislation in place for the protection of this species?

      9. Education

      Public awareness and education.(Required)
      Is there active public awareness raising and/or an education programme in place for this species?
      For example, workshops being held to engage the public on the work being done to conserve the species.

      10. Additional Information

      Information Sharing

      By completing this form you agree to data provided being shared on the GlobalTree Portal. Please note, we will not publish personal information, contact details or justification fields on the portal, but BGCI may contact you to seek clarification on the information Data Provider Agreement.provided or to link you to potential conservation partners.

      The data provided through this form is subject to the BGCI Data Provider Agreement.

      This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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