Saving Plants


BGCI is the largest plant conservation network in the world, and we will coordinate, empower and mobilise our network to carry out plant conservation prioritisation, planning, action and monitoring, preventing plant species extinctions and promoting sustainability.

Conservation Prioritisation

BGCI supports the prioritisation of conservation actions that are needed for the world’s most threatened plant species through carrying out Red Listing and ex situ surveys with partners all over the world.
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Tree Conservation

BGCI supports botanic gardens to conserve trees, using their extensive knowledge and experience by managing a tree conservation fund and projects with partners around the world that carry out practical conservation actions for the world’s most threatened plant species.
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Seed Conservation

BGCI manages the Global Seed Conservation Challenge to get seeds of the world’s most threatened plant species into ex situ seed bank collections to act as insurance against extinction in the wild.
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Global Seed Conservation Challenge />

Ecological Restoration

BGCI supports botanic gardens and other plant conservation institutes to improve ecological restoration practices through the development of practical resources and the management of the Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens in order to share knowledge, experiences and good practices.
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Exceptional Species

BGCI supports the conservation of exceptional plant species, that cannot be conserved in seed banks. These require living collections, tissue culture, or cryopreservation to conserve them. We help to identify them for prioritisation, promote their conservation via the Exceptional Plant Conservation Network (EPCN).
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Plant Health and Biosecurity

BGCI manages the International Plant Sentinel Network, in which botanic gardens are able to monitor the spread of pests and diseases on plants from around the world that are found in the environmental condition of their gardens, acting as an early warning signal for potentially.
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Become a Member

Be part of the largest network of botanic gardens and plant conservation experts in the world by joining BGCI today!

Support BGCI

You can support our plant conservation efforts by sponsoring membership for small botanic gardens, contributing to the Global Botanic Garden Fund, and more!