BGCI Sustainability Challenge

Sustainable Development Goals
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    Public Engagement

What is the sustainability challenge?

The Sustainability Challenge is BGCI education’s flagship umbrella platform. We believe that botanic gardens and their millions of visitors have a crucial role to play in sustainability and climate change action. Through this platform we promote and support botanic gardens in their own sustainability practices as well as the way that they engage with their visitors on these important subjects. We have been busy running some pilot sustainability challenge projects, writing a technical review showing the great work already taking place in botanic gardens, building a network of sustainability support in botanic gardens and developing new project ideas.

Under this platform we are also really interested in behaviour change and how we can use behaviour change approaches and behaviour-centred design frameworks to support positive action.

Why is the challenge important?

The case for action could not be clearer. The latest report from the globally respected experts at the International Panel on Climate Change predicts that we have less than 10 years to significantly reduce carbon emissions if we are to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. We are experiencing a climate emergency, and we cannot wait for governments to take action.

BGCI Technical Report

We produced a Technical Report on the role of botanic gardens in practising and promoting environmental sustainability. This report is based on a global survey of botanic gardens and includes over 40 case studies encompassing water management, energy consumption, carbon offsetting, waste, recycling and composting and sustainable food.

BGCI sustainability pilot projects

We have delivered/are currently delivering the following projects:

  • BCGI food waste challenge (completed): A 30-day challenge which aimed to challenge visitors of botanic gardens to reduce their fruit and vegetable waste by adopting different behaviors.
  • UK Sustainability challenge pilot (completed): Two pilot challenges aimed at encouraging sustainable action in visitors;
    • Palate for the planet: An in garden activity that encouraged visitors to record their personal eating over a one week period, looking at the carbon footprint of each meal, with the aim to eating more environmentally friendly food.
    • Plant warriors: An in garden activity which encouraged the public to adopt environmental friendly behaviours to support buying indoor plants. Displaying lots of indoor houseplants, the activity highlighted their origins and how to be more eco-friendly when purchasing plants for the home.

Climate change and sustainability action resources for botanic gardens


If you are interested in getting the Sustainability Challenge, would like to share what your garden is currently doing or are interested in discussing a collaborative project on this topic please do get in touch with Helen Miller.