Dignity at Work


BGCI is committed to working towards creating a working climate in which all employees are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

The aims of the Dignity at Work Policy are to:

  • Support and sustain a positive (thriving) working environment for all staff, free from any form of inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour;
  • Make it clear that discrimination and harassment are unacceptable and that all staff have a role to play in creating a thriving environment for everyone, free from discrimination and harassment;
  • Provide a framework for respect and good conduct to prevent and eliminate all forms of bullying and harassment, including racial and sexual harassment and sexual misconduct;
  • To highlight the options available to individuals who feel they are or have been subject to bullying, harassment, racial discrimination, sexual misconduct, or any other inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour;
  • Provide a mechanism by which complaints can, wherever possible, be addressed in a timely way.

BGCI expects all staff to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration at all times. All staff are expected to behave professionally and have the right to expect professional behaviour from others. All staff have a personal responsibility to comply with this Policy and demonstrate active commitment to it by:

  • Treating others with dignity and respect.
  • Discouraging any form of discrimination and harassment by suitably challenging inappropriate behaviour, making it clear that such behaviour is unacceptable (and raising concerns with managers where appropriate so these can be dealt with).
  • Supporting any member of staff who feels they have been subject to discrimination and / or harassment, including supporting them to make a formal complaint if appropriate.
  • Managers have particular responsibility for setting standards and ensuring appropriate workplace behaviours are maintained. They should set a good example and ensure concerns raised are acted upon.


This policy applies to all categories of employees including staff, interns and volunteers.

Statement of policy

BGCI is dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe, welcoming, inclusive and diverse community which nurtures a healthy environment and culture of mutual respect and consideration, allowing all staff to thrive without fear of harassment, racial discrimination, bullying, sexual violence, abuse, coercive behaviour, sexual harassment or related misconduct.

Every employee has the right:

  • to be treated with respect
  • to express their own feelings
  • to express their opinions and values
  • to say ‘no’ to unreasonable requests
  • to make mistakes
  • to change their mind
  • to say they don’t understand
  • to ask for help

Every employee has a responsibility:

  • to protect the rights of others
  • to listen to the views of others
  • to be fair and just in their dealings

Support procedures

BGCI encourages individuals and managers to make every effort to resolve dignity at work problems informally in the first instance as this is often the most effective method of dealing with unacceptable behaviour, although it is recognised this may not always be appropriate.

Formal support procedures to be followed are outlined in BGCI’s Anti-bullying and Harassment Policy (above). Should an official grievance need to be launched, BGCI’s Grievance policy should be followed.

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