The Red List of Trees of Guatemala

Published in 2006, The Red List of Trees of Guatemala was the first complete assessment of all of Guatemala’s tree species using the IUCN categories and criteria. The flora of Guatemala is one of the richest and most varied in the world, with both a high degree of endemism and a high level of threat. This national Red List contains assessments for all 154 tree species of Guatemala, including 48 species endemic to the country. Fifty-eight percent of species were placed in a threatened category (Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically Endangered). Nineteen of these species were assessed as Critically Endangered within the country, ten being endemics. Many of the threats to Guatemala’s forest are related to increasing human population and the unequal distribution of land, with the main threats being shifting agriculture, forest fires, illegal extraction and over-exploitation of a limited range of species and the use of fuelwood.

Associated resources

  • The Red List of Trees of Guatemala

    Conservation Prioritisation, Tree Conservation / Publication / English

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