Methodological recommendations for botanic gardens on the reintroduction of rare and threatened plants

In Russia, BGCI has been training botanic garden staff in developing and implementing species recovery programmes, and published a handbook providing methodological guidance on all aspects of species reintroductions and population reinforcement programmes.

Population reinforcement programmes have been carried out for two threatened and ecologically important steppe species (Stipa ucrainica and S. pulcherrima) in the Rostov region and for the rare Paeonia tenuifolia, Juniperus sabina and Iris pumila in the forest steppe of the Volga region.

Associated resources

  • Methodological recommendations for botanic gardens on the reintroduction of rare and threatened plants

    Policy and Advocacy, Plant Conservation, Tree Conservation / Publication / English
  • Methodological recommendations for botanic gardens on the reintroduction of rare and threatened plants (Russian)

    Policy and Advocacy, Plant Conservation, Tree Conservation / Publication / Russian

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