General Surveillance of US Host Species in Europe and South America

  • Status of project

  • Region

  • Country

  • Programme

    International Plant Sentinel Network
  • Workstream

    Saving Plants
  • Topic

    Plant Conservation

The IPSN is carrying out a pilot general surveillance research project, funded by USFS-USAID (US Forest Service/US Agency for International Development). The work focuses on identifying and surveying key US host species in botanic gardens & arboreta in Europe (Poland) and South America (Chile and Argentina), and diagnosing pests and pathogens that affect them. This research aims to help identify novel or unusual pest and disease issues that may affect native US species if they were to arrive.

Botanic gardens and arboreta will carry out surveys on their collections in spring and summer using the Plant Health Checker to record their survey results and these will be reported to both the NPPO and to the IPSN Coordinator. Institutions involved in the project will also be asked to share historic records of pest and disease issues on the host species of interest.


Thumbnail image: Anna Cwener, Lublin BG