Leon Levy 2023 Grant Recipients Announced!

  • Region

    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Programme

  • Workstream

    Saving Plants
  • Topic

    Services for Botanic Gardens
  • Type

  • Source

News published: 21 November 2023

The Leon Levy Native Plant Preserve (LLNPP) Grants aim to help institutions in the Caribbean and Central American region to improve or support one or more of the vital areas across the botanic gardens, as defined by BGCI’s Botanic Garden Accreditation.

The grants are part of BGCI’s Global Botanic Garden Fund and are funded by the Leon Levy Foundation. Projects should be structured as one-year projects with budgets of up to USD$4,000.

The Leon Levy Native Plant Preserve (LLNPP) is part of The Global Botanic Garden Fund. The GBGF drives plant conservation, especially in smaller gardens by disbursing small grants every year. The Fund is open to BGCI Member Institutions only and preference is given to small botanic gardens in developing countries and biodiversity hotspots.

This year we had 12 applications, and with only 7 being able to be chosen for funding, it was a difficult task for the team to decide who would receive these funds. Thank you to all who took the time to apply and to The Leon Levy Foundation for generously funding these grants.

We are absolutely delighted to announce the recipients of this years LLNPP Grants.

Project Organisation
Salvaging Native Plants for Conservation Belize Botanic Gardens
Endangered Endemics Nursery in Puerto Rico Tropic Ventures Research & Education Foundation
Conservation of the endemic palms of the Dominican Republic of the genus Coccothrinax in the Botanical Garden of Santiago Jardin Botánico de Santiago “Profesor Eugenio de Jesús Marcano Foundeur”
Preserving the native passion flowers of Veracruz (Mexico) by enriching the scientific collection at the Francisco Javier Clavijero Botanical Garden Jardín Botánico Francisco Javier Clavijero
In vitro propagation of four Encyclia species native to western Mexico at the Vallarta Botanical Garden Vallarta Botanical Gardens, A.C.
Building a Toolkit of Science-Based Botanic Conservation in the Osa Arboretum Osa Conservation
Interpretation panels for the Havana Botanic Garden: enhancing visitors’ experience and increasing the Garden’s educational capacity Planta!

Call for Support

BGCI was extremely impressed by the applications submitted to the Global Botanic Garden Fund. It is a testament to the quality of applications and the clear need for continued and additional support to the botanic garden community.

BGCI will continue to look for additional funding for the Global Botanic Garden Fund, but it is clear that there is a demand for these grants and a need to support them in order to achieve global goals in plant conservation. BGCI thanks those already supporting the Global Botanic Garden Fund and are pleased to share the impact of their contributions.

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