Launch of European Genetic Resources Strategies

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Genetic diversity is the fundamental resource that allows living things and systems to adapt to changing circumstances. Humanity relies on genetic resources as the raw material for food and nutrition, for livelihoods and the economy, and for immensely valuable ecosystem services such as water management and soil fertility. The climate crisis makes it imperative to conserve genetic resources in order to strengthen the resilience and adaptability of the living systems on which we depend.

A new European Genetic Resources Strategy places the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources on a sound footing. It is backed by domain-specific strategies for crop plants, livestock and forests.

The Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe and the domain- specific strategies together provide a framework to enable the transition to effective genetic resources conservation and sustainable use within the region, and possibly beyond.

The overarching European Strategy and the domain-specific strategies will be presented at a briefing meeting on Tuesday 30 November from 8.30-13.00 CET for representatives of the European Commission, national policy makers and Members of the European Parliament. The meeting will also be streamed online.

The Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe and the domain-specific strategies were produced as part of the GenRes Bridge Project, a Coordination and Support Action funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

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